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RICHARD - Satan will be loosed for a season at the end of the millennium. When he is loosed, who is he going to be tempting?

JOEL - During the Millennium "Because of the righteousness of his people, Satan has no power; wherefore, he cannot be loosed for the space of many years; for he hath no power over the hearts of the people, for they dwell in righteousness, and the Holy One of Israel reigneth.' (1 Ne. 22:26.)
So during the Millennium Satan is bound because of the righteousnes of the people.
Both ancient and modern prophets foretold that, at the end of the thousand years of peace, Satan would be loosed, sin be introduced back into the world, and the final battle between good and evil would be waged (Rev. 20:7-8; D&C 43:31).

Orson Pratt has said concerning this:
"When the period called the Millennium has passed away, Satan will again be loosed. Now the query arises, Will Satan have power to deceive those who have lived on the earth, and have fallen asleep for a moment, and have received their immortal bodies? No, he will not. When they have passed through their probation, and have received their immortal bodies, Satan will have no power over them. Thus generation after generation will pass away, during the Millennium, but by and by, at the close of that period, unnumbered millions of the posterity of those who lived during the Millennium will be scattered in the four quarters of the earth, and Satan will be loosed, and will go forth and tempt them," (Journal of Discourses 16:322.)

President Joseph Fielding Smith said:
"Satan will be loosed to gather Its forces after the millennium. The people who will be tempted, will be people living on this earth, and they will have every opportunity to accept the gospel or reject it. Satan will have nothing to do whatever with little children, or grown people who have received their resurrection. (Doctrines of Salvation 2:56-57.)

Once a person has become immortal, they can no longer be tempted by Satan.

So the ones who will be tempted are those generations of children born at the end of and after the millennnium who have not yet received their immortal bodies at a time when the earth inhabitants have become wicked again.

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